Устойчиви пазарски чанти за малки и големи магазини
Водещи вериги магазини като Denner или Continente вече насърчават устойчивото поведение на клиентите с goodbag.
Какви са предимствата при интегрирането на goodbag?
Генериране на въздействие и комуникиране на устойчивост
Заедно с вашите клиенти генерирайте измеримо въздействие върху околната среда и подобрете възприятието на клиентите си за устойчивост с до 40%.
Пазаруването се превръща в преживяване
Customers protect the environment together with your company in a fun way. They learn more about your sustainable products and can improve their ecological footprint with every purchase.
Advantages over competitors
Sustainability is increasingly becoming an important competitive factor. With our platform, you can respond to the needs of your customers and stand out from competitors. This not only increases the positive impact on the environment, but also customer loyalty and sales.
Explore some of the cool bag designs from our amazing clients
Устойчивостта се превръща в ключов конкурентен фактор, тъй като според Forbes (2020 г.) 88% от потребителите искат компаниите да им помогнат да направят нещо за природата. Нашата мисия е да дадем възможност на всеки потребител да стане двигател на променята в ежедневието си. По този начин може да им покажем, че всяка устойчива покупка и всяко малко действие са важни за да имаме устойчиво бъдеще. Заедно с нашите партньори можем да постигнем най-голямо въздействие. Компаниите, търговските вериги и малките и средни бизнеси могат да станат двигатели на промяната с goodbag!
The solution: goodbag
goodbag is the world's first smart, re-usable shopping bag that connects with the goodbag app via NFC and lets customers support environmental projects while shopping.
The goodbag already works in more than 10 million stores and is used by leading retailers like Denner or Continente to promote sustainable behaviour, achieve measurable impact together with their customers and demonstrably improve customer perception in the area of sustainability. Our partners sell the goodbag with their own branding in their stores and, acting as sponsors, let their customers support reforestation and ocean-cleanup NGOs while shopping.
Consumers see their impact grow in real-time
On our platform consumers can do good, like re-use their shopping bag, see their impact grow in real-time, unlock achievements and get rewarded with Seed points for acting and buying sustainably. Every Seed has a monetary value that users can donate to support various environmental initiatives.
How it works
Case Study:
Denner customers planted tens of thousands of trees and collected even more plastic bags from the ocean – all by simply re-using their shopping bags!
Прочетете казусаCase Study:
Garden Gourmet
82% of customers say they’d buy more products if they supported environmental initiatives and 97% want to earn Seeds on more products!
Прочетете казусаCase Study:
Together with goodbag, Continente enables their customers to become change-makers and actively contribute to sustainability while enjoying a seamless and eco-friendly shopping experience.
Прочетете казуса„goodbag is leading the way with customer experience.“