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Ar žinojote, kad kiekvienas goodbag pasodina medį?

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goodbag, išvengiate
sodinkite medžius ir surinkite

iš vandenyno.

plastic bags collected
lygus aukoms
0 Sėklos

„At current rates plastic is
expected to outweigh all the fish
in the sea by 2050.“

About 12 million metric tons of plastic are thrown into the ocean annually

Billions of kilograms of plastic can be found in swirling convergences that make up about 40% of the world's ocean surfaces

Plastic kills more than 1.1 million seabirds and animals every year

Ocean plastics are a threat to
our whole ecosystem

Every year around 12.7 million tonnes of plastic waste are washed into our oceans and stay there for decades. This has led to massive areas of floating plastic, like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is estimated to be as large as 500.000 m2 – around six times the size of Austria. Plastic is a serious hazard for the marine ecosystem and its inhabitants. Fish, whales and turtles get entangled in macroplastic and microplastic particles are consumed and digested, leading to various disorders and even death1. This is why our goal is to collect as much plastic out of the ocean as possible.

Mūsų projekto partneriai:

One Earth – One Ocean

We partner with One Earth – One Ocean to collect plastic waste out of the sea. One Earth – One Ocean is on a mission to reduce the plastic in our oceans as much as possible by new and innovative means. Follow the ships’ journeys in the Pacific ocean!

Our partner shops sponsor the collection of plastic waste out of the ocean. By bringing your goodbag when you go shopping and tapping the blue coupon, you avoid single-use bags and fish one plastic bag out of the ocean!

We also work with brands who act as sponsors and support us by paying for the collection of certain amounts of plastic waste. 100% of these donations go directly to One Earth – One Ocean.

Find out more about One Earth – One Ocean here.

goodbag ir Tvarūs
Plėtros Tikslai

Kas yra SDG?

goodbag atitinka 5 iš SDG:

Turi būti ateitis, kurioje miestai suteiktų galimybių visiems, gauti pagrindines paslaugas, energiją, būstą, transportą ir kt.

Tvarus vartojimas ir gamyba – tai išteklių ir energijos vartojimo efektyvumo, tvarios infrastruktūros skatinimas, prieigos prie pagrindinių paslaugų, ekologiškų ir tinkamų darbo vietų suteikimas ir geresnė gyvenimo kokybė visiems.

Klimato kaita yra pasaulinis iššūkis, kuris veikia visus ir visur.

Kruopštus šio esminio pasaulinio išteklių valdymas yra pagrindinis tvarios ateities bruožas.

Tvariai valdyti miškus, kovoti su dykumėjimu, sustabdyti ir pakeisti žemės degradaciją, sustabdyti biologinės įvairovės nykimą.