goodbag & goodcup
is the ultimate super app for sustainability!

Use the app to scan your goodbag or goodcup and earn Seeds!
Each scan gives you at least 50 Seeds, which you can directly donate to collect one plastic bag out of our oceans! Use the giant orange button to collect Seeds while at a supermarket or coffee shop! On the map you can see all the supermarkets and shops you can scan your goodbag at and all the coffee shops and bakeries you can refill your goodcup at!

Keep track of how many times you’ve reused your goodbag and goodcup
Every. Action. Matters. Your impact profile shows you how many times you’ve reused your bag and cup and shows you how many trees you’ve planted and how much plastic waste you’ve collected so far. Your impact profile can also be shared to spread the good deeds and plant more seeds!

Donate your Seeds to plant trees or clean the oceans with our partners
Choose where your next tree is planted: perhaps a mangrove in Madagascar or you a tree to enforce Zambia’s Copper belt? It has never been easier to plant a tree or clean the oceans with a single tap. Seeds should not be hoarded, but planted in the form of donations – this is the only way to plant the Seeds for a better tomorrow!

Scan products to learn about their Eco-Score or earn Seeds
Is that product on the shelf sustainable? Use the integrated barcode scanner to find out if the product is vegan, organic, if it has palm oil and how sustainable it is based on its Eco-Score. Sometimes you can also scan sustainable products, like vegetarian burgers or recycled products – those will give you extra Seeds for your next donation. Learn more about the EcoScore or find out which products you can scan.
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Unlock crazy achievements to earn extra Seeds
Are you doing a Tree-athlon? Or enjoying a nice Cubpuccino? The more you scan with the app – your bag, your cup or products – the more achievements you can unlock! Here’s a Seed-uctive offer: if you download the app and register you will get 100 Seeds by unlocking your first achievement! That’s just about enough to plant your first mangrove in Madagascar.

Fill in your stamp card to plant an extra tree
Scan, Scan, Scan, Tree! Do you remember those coupon cards from the supermarket? Well our stamp card works the same way, but also plants trees! Simply scan your bag or cup once every consecutive day to show your commitment. On the fourth day you will be able to plant an EXTRA TREE!

Compete in the rankings with your name and profile
Join the battle ranks and compete in our three rankings – The Seed League, The Tree Ladder and the No-Plastic Fantastic Championship. BUT! You have to remain active and keep scanning and planting trees, otherwise you’ll drop out of the ranking after 30 days of inactivity!
goodbag goes international
The goodbag and goodcup work worldwide
The app is free and available in 10 languages
Our products work in over 10 million shops and cafés

Add and change places on the map
If your favorite coffee place is missing or the mon-and-pop shop next door is not on the map – no worries! You can add new places where you and your community can keep scanning. Did a place close down? Report it and earn rewards.

Compete in the rankings with your name and profile
Easily find out how sustainable your nearby café or supermarket is through user-generated ratings. Earn Seeds and create a sustainable shopping environment by rating places on how sustainable their packaging, takeaway containers or products are.
Plant your first tree now!
Download the app